After a lackluster Monday, Tuesday got exciting on India’s largest poker platform, with the site hosting several high-value tournaments for MTT lovers in the country. The headliner of the day was the 14 Lac GTD The Mint. Sporting a buy-in of INR 3,850 buy-in, the Tuesday flagship enjoyed an eventful run, pulling in an impressive 444-entry field and collecting INR 15.54 Lac in the prize pool. The lion’s share of that prize pool went to the Chandigarh-based pro Ashish “rocky3705” Ahuja who eventually outlasted “9X8X8X3X6X” (2nd for INR 2,65,739) to win it for INR 3.40 Lac.
- Total Entries: 444
- Prizepool: 15.54 Lac
- Places Paid: 49
Zeshan “bondo07” Hamza (3rd for INR 1,55,400), poker coach Mithun “themiths” Mahesh (4th for INR 1,16,550), Sunday’s Adda52 Millions winner Aditya “konstantin” Singh (5th for INR 77,700), Dhinesh “dinzy009” Kumar (7th for INR 42,735), and Aditya “a_sushant” Sushant (8th for INR 34,965) were the other notable MTT regs who ended their run on the final table of The Mint on last night.
2.5 Lac GTD Voyager
Online MTT reg Shrvan “SSAHisoka” Amlekar was the last player standing in Adda52’s 2.5 Lac GTD Voyager and banked INR 68,625. The user “Ved5959” placed runner-up and earned INR 40,000. Bhagwansingh “bhanubanna11” Taak took the final spot on the podium, placing 3rd for INR 30,000.
- Total Entries: 217
- Prizepool: 2.5 Lac
- Places Paid: 24
The user “gabbarpoker69” (Won 1.5 Lac GTD Nighttide DST Adda for INR 31,209), “anujrajani28” (Won 1.2 Lac GTD Afternoon Adda for INR 27,396), and Rohit “rohit914” Singh (Won 1.4 Lac GTD The Mint Lite for INR 26,298) took down the other online marquees on this past Tuesday.