Welcome To The Live Coverage Of DPT October 2023 Main Event Day 1A

DPT Main Event Day 1A Ends With  Shakti Topping The 6 Survivors Into Day 2

Level: 17

Blinds: 5k-10k

Ante: 10k

Day 1A of the Main Event ends with Shakti Shekar leading the final 6 player into Day 2.

  • Shakti Shikhar – 315k
  • Aman Parakh – 223k
  • Avinash Koneru – 310k
  • Mohit Bohra – 216k
  • Gaurav Sood – 249k
  • Wilson Yomso – 199k


WSOP Bracelet Winner Aditya Sushant Bubbles DPT Main Event 1A

  • Level: 17
  • Blinds: 5k-10k
  • Ante: 10k

Aditya Sushant from cutoff open shoves with Ax 10x.

Gaurav Sood seated in the big blind calls with 9x 9x

The board Kx 5x 7x Jx 2x does not help Sushi.

Sushi goes out in 7th place, bubbling DPT ME 1A.

All the remaining 6 players are now in the money. 


Raghav Bansal Busted by Aman Parakh

  • Level: 17
  • Blinds: 5k-10k
  • Ante: 10k

A player from UTG limps, Raghav Bansal from button shoves for 82k.

Aman Parakh, seated in the small blind, makes a snap call.  The UTG player folds.

Raghav: 8s 8c

Aman: 9d 9h

Board: 10d 9s Qc As 5s

Aman flops a set to take down the pot and bust Raghav Bansal.


Wilson Yomso Doubles Up Through Raghav Bansal

Level: 17

Blinds: 5k-10k

Ante: 10k

Wilson Yomso from UTG open shoves and Raghav Bansal calls

Wilson: 10c Kd

Raghav: Kh Ah

Board: 10h 2s 7c Jc 6d

Wilson flops  a ten pair, which is enough for him to win the pot and double up.


Santosh Busted by Aman Parakh

Level: 16

Blinds: 4k-8k

Ante: 8k

Santosh open shoves from hijack with As 3c. Aman Parakh from big blind calls with Kh 6d.

The board opens Jh 10d 6x 8x 5x where Aman finds a six pair to win the pot and bust his opponent.


Notable Chip Counts – Gaurav Sood in Lead

Level: 15

Blinds: 3k-6k

Ante: 6k

The Main Event Day 1A is in the final stages with only 9 players remaining out of the 49 entrants. Leading the pack is Gaurav Sood with a stack of 310k.  Here is a quick look at their chip counts:

  • Aman Parakh – 250k
  • Gaurav Sood – 310k
  • Aditya Sushant – 175k
  • Avinash Koneru – 240k
  • Wilson Yomso – 130k
  • Shakti  – 240k


Notable Chip Counts – Avinash Koneru In Lead

  • Level: 13
  • Blinds: 2k-4k
  • Ante: 4k

There are only 9 players remaining out of the total 49 players in the main event day 1A.

Some of the biggest stacks among the remaining nine players include the likes of:

  • Avinsh Koneru – 230k
  • Aman Parakh – 220k
  • Aditya Sushant – 275k
  • Gaurav Sood – 215k.


Myron P Shown The Door

  • Level: 13
  • Blinds: 2k-4k
  • Ante: 4k

We have one more elimination with Myron P exiting the main event Day 1A.

Gaurav Sood from CO opens to 8k and Myron goes all-in for 60k. Sood snap calls.

Myron shows Ah Qs and Sood shows As Ac.

The board opens 2h 9s 10c 6d 2c

Pocket aces good and Sood wins the pot, busting Myron from Day 1A of the main event.


Chandra Jha Eliminated

  • Level: 12
  • Blinds: 1.5k-3k
  • Ante: 3k

Santosh from cuttoff opens shoves for 20k.

Chandra Jha left with less than 1BB in his stack makes the call.

Santosh: Js 10c

Chandra:3c 10d

Board: Ad 4h 9s Jd Qc

The board does not help Chandra and he gets busted.


Vinay Singhal Exits Main Event 1A

  • Level: 12
  • Blinds: 1.5k-3k
  • Ante: 3k

Vinay Singhal from UTG open shoves for 20.5k.

Wilson Yosmso from cutoff makes the call.

Aman Parakh from button also calls.

Flop: Ks 6h 8s

Wilson checks and Parakh bets 85k. Wilson folds.

Vinay: Jh Qs

Aman: Qh Kd

Board: Ks 6h 8s 10s Kc

Aman makes trips and takes down the pot. Vinay gets busted.


Aditya Sushant Busts Anand Babu

  • Level: 12
  • Blinds: 1.5k-3k
  • Ante: 3k

WSOP bracelet winner Aditya Sushant from middle position opens to 6.5k. Gaurav Sood from cutoff and Myron P from SB call. Anand Babu from BB shoves all-in for 27.5k. Aditya calls and the rest fold.

Anand: 8d 8h

Aditya: 7d Ad

Board: Jc Kd 9h 10s Ah

Aditya finds an ace pair on the river and takes down the pot, busting his opponent in the process.


Myron P Doubles Up

  • Level: 11
  • Blinds: 1.5k-2.5k
  • Ante: 2.5k

Wilson Yomso opens to 8k and Myron P from SB moves all-in for 29.5k. Yomso calls.

  • Myron: Qd Kh
  • Yomso: Js 5d
  • Board: 9h 6d Qh Jc Qc

Myron hits trips and takes down the pot. A nice double up for Myron!


Faiz Alam Busted by Aman Parakh

  • Level: 11
  • Blinds: 1.5k-2.5k
  • Ante: 2.5k

In a pre-flop action, Faiz Alam limps and Aman Prarak raises to 7.5k.

Faiz responds by shoving all-in for 60.5k. Aman Parakh makes the call.

Faiz: Jd 10d

Aman: Qc 10h

Board: 5h 6c Qs Jc 6h

Both players hit a pair but Aman takes it down with higher pair.


Notable Chip Counts – Wilson Yomso In Lead

Level: 11

Blinds: 1.5k-2.5k

Ante: 2.5k

  • Wilson Yomso – 280k
  • Avinash Tauro – 180k
  • Gaurav Sood – 120K
  • Aman Parakh – 137k
  • Raghav Bansal – 122k
  • Mohit Bohra – 140k


Prabhat Kumar Exits Main Event Day 1A

  • Level 10
  • Blind 1k 2k
  • Ante 2k

Prabhat Kumar from HJ open-shoves for  5.7k with Jh Td

Mohit Bohra who is seated in the cutoff calls with 7s 7d

Board – 8c 3d Qh 6d Ah

Mohit’s pocket sevens good and he wins the pot, busting his opponent in the process.


Jesson Fernandes Busted

  • Level 10
  • Blind 1k 2k
  • Ante 2k

Jesson Fernandes jams from sb with Qc Ts

Santos calls from BB with Kh Qs

Board – 9c 4d As Kd 8c

Santosh spikes a pair of king on the turn to win the pot and eliminate Jesson


Aman Parakh Eliminates Uday

  • Level: 10
  • Blinds: 1k-2k
  • Ante: 2k

Aman Parakh from UTG opens to 4.2k and Uday from BB shoves all-in for 13.2k. Parakh calls.

  • Uday: 8c 9c
  • Aman: Ah Qh
  • Board: Jh Jc Kc 4s 7h

Aman wins the pot with Ace high and Uday gets eliminated.


A Nice Double Up For Santosh

  • Level 9
  • Blind 800 1600
  • Ante 1600

Wilson Yomso from UTG opens. Santosh from CO open jams for 17.7k chips. Wilson calls

Wilson – KS Tc

Santos- Jd Qd

Board – Qs Ad 9h 4s 9c

Santosh spikes a queen on the flop and gets a double up.


Radhika Shanker’s Kings Cracked!

  • Level: 9
  • Blind 800 1600
  • Ante 1600

Adda52 Game Ambassador Maria Kirloskar limps from cutoff

Myron P limps behind her and Radhika Shanker opens to 3.2k.

Maria calls. Myron wakes up with Ac 5c and shoves his 28.3k chips.

Radhika snap calls, while Maria decides to get out of the way.

  • Myron- Ac 5c
  • Radhika – Kc Kd
  • Board – 8c 4h 9h As Qh

Unfortunately for Radhika, Myron finds an ace on the turn to crack Radhika’s cowboys.

Myron wins the pot to double up and Radhika gets eliminated from the main event day 1b.


Gokul Krishna Busted From Main Event Day 1A

  • Level: 7
  • Blinds: 500-1000
  • Ante: 1000

Gokul Krishna from HJ opens to 3k and a player from button calls.

 Wilson in the small blind makes it 16.5k.

Krishna goes all-in for 32.1k. The button player folds and Wilson calls.

Gokul: 8c 8h

Wilson: Qs Qh

Board: 3c 5c Qc 7d As

Wilson flops a set with queens and takes down the pot. Gokul gets busted.


Notable Chip Counts – Wilson Yomso In Lead

  • Level: 6
  • Blinds: 400-800
  • Ante: 800

Wilson Yomso – 123.5k

 Yasheel D – 60k

Avinash Koneru – 86k

Gaurav Sood – 81k

Mohit Bohra: 69k


Mohit Bohra’s Cowboys Secure Him A Double Up

  • Level 5
  • Blind 300 600
  • Ante 600

Mohit Bohra opens to 1.4k from CO

Ashit Sharma 3 bets to 3.5k from BU

Mohit bohra 4 bet jams. Ashit calls

  • Mohit – Ks Kd
  • Ashit – Ah Kh
  • Board – 9h 6d 5s Tc 7c

Mohit gets a double up with cowboys


Shivam Shukla Busted by Wilson Yomso

  • Level 5
  • Blind 300 600
  • Ante 600

Wilson opens from cutoff. Shivam Shukla 3 bets to 6.1k from button.  Wilson calls

Flop: 4d Ks 3d

Wilson checks, Shivam shoves for 12.5k chips. Wilson calls

Shivam – Ad 5c

Wilson – 6d Jd

Turn Td

River 6s

Wilson hits a flush and takes down the pot. Shivam gets eliminated.


Notable Chip Counts – Wilson Yomso Leads

Blinds: 300-500
Ante: 500

Wilson Yomso -92.8k
Chandra Jha – 67.5k
Guneet Kwatra – 57k
Gaurav Sood- 44.4k
Anant Babu – 43.3k


Some Notables In The DPT Main Event Day 1A

  • Level: 2
  • Blinds: 200-300
  • Ante: 300

The DPT October 2023 main event promises electrifying action and the arrival of Adda52 Game Ambassaor Maria Kirloskar, Aman Parakh, Guneet Kwatra, Guinesha  S, Yogesh Choudhury, and Ranjeet Negi along with other known names added extra layer of excitement to the ongoing event.

The are currently around 30 players in the field but this number is shoot up in the next few minutes.


DPT Main Event Day 1A Begins!

  • Level: 1
  • Blinds: 100-200
  • Ante: 200

The cards are in the air for the main event Day 1A. Currently, there  are around 20 players in the field and this number is bound to go up with several players lined up at the registration desk. Some notables among the early entrants are Adda52 Game Ambassador Maria Kirloskar,  Aman Parakh, Guneet Kwatra, Guinesha  S, Yogesh Choudhury, Ranjeet Negi, and many more.


Welcome To The Live Coverage of DPT October 2023 Main Event Day 1A!

Ladies and gentlemen, poker enthusiasts, and fans of high-stakes action, it’s time to immerse yourselves in the thrilling world of poker as we kick off the Day 1A of the DPT Main Event. The Deltin Royale casino is buzzing with anticipation, and the cards are about to get in the air at 1 PM sharp.

This is the third tournament of the ongoing  DPT October 2023 series, and it promises to be nothing short of spectacular. With a 50k buy-in and three starting flights (Day 1A, 1B, and 1C) spread across 12th, 13th, and 14th October, the stage is set for a thrilling poker showdowns ahead. The survivors from these flights will unite on the 15th of October for Day 2 play, and the ultimate champion will be crowned on the 16th October. He will take home a jaw-dropping prize and the glorious DPT trophy.

Day 1A is the first of the three starting flights, with players starting with a 30k stack, blinds at 100-200, and an ante of 200. Late registration remains open until the start of level 7, ensuring no one misses the chance to claim their spot among the elite. In the previous edition, Vasu Bansal shipped the Main Event title for INR 53.76 Lac in prize money. He overcame a star-studded field of 642 entries. This time, who knows, it could be you. Don’t miss out on this showstopper tourney of the series!

Join us in this exciting journey and stay tuned for live updates. Let’s witness poker history together!