Welcome To The Live Coverage Of DPT October 2023 Super Holdem Turbo

Crowning Glory: Abhishek Grover Clinches Super Holdem Turbo Title

Level: 21

Blinds: 10k-20k

Finally, the DPT October 2023 Super Holdem Turbo title here at the Deltin Royale in Goa has been claimed by Abhishek Grover, marking the end of an intense competition.

Grover, slightly underdog in heads-up against Shakti Shikhar, managed to bridge the gap and seize the chip lead. From that point onward, his momentum was unyielding, culminating in a title win worth INR 2,09,300.

Shakti Shikhar, who started the heads-up showdown as the chip leader, put up a valiant fight but fell short of ultimate victory, securing the runner-up position with a prize of INR 1.25 Lac.

 The final hand of the tournament occurred during level 21 with blinds set at 20k-30k. In this decisive hand, Abhishek held 10c Qs 8d, while Shakti Shekar had Ah Ac 6h. The community cards unveiled were 8h 3h Qh 7h Qc. Shakti secured a flush, but Abhishek made a full house, securing the coveted title and trophy. Congratulations to Abhishek Grover on this grand victory!


Heads-up for Super Holdem Turbo Title!

  • Level 18
  • Blinds 5k /10k
  • Ante 10k

Finally, we’ve reached the pivotal heads-up showdown. It sounds like an exciting heads-up match for the title! Shakti Shikhar currently holds the chip lead with 351,000 chips, while Abhishek Grover has a stack of 224,000 chips. This is a critical moment in the tournament, and the outcome will determine who takes home the title. It’s a situation filled with suspense, and poker enthusiasts will certainly be eager to see who emerges as the victor. Enjoy the action, and may the best player win!


Faiz Alam Finishes Third For INR 83,720.

  • Level 18
  • Blinds 5k /10k
  • Ante 10k

In this poker hand, Abhishek, who is the button (Bu), starts the action by making an opening bet of 20,000 chips. Faiz, who is in the small blind (Sb), responds with an aggressive move, going all-in for 90,000 chips. Shakti, the big blind (BB) and a player with a larger stack, also decides to go all-in. Abhishek, in the button position, decides to fold his hand.

Here’s how the hands and the community cards played out:

Faiz – 6d Qd 2d

Shakti- As Ad Kh

Board – 7h Ah Kd 8c Jd

It was Shakti who emerged victorious, eliminating Faiz from the hand with a full house. Shakti’s hand contained a pair of Aces and a pair of Kings (Aces full of Kings), which was stronger than Faiz’s hand.


Jason Fernandes Bubbles DPT Super Holdem Turbo

  • Level 15
  • Blinds 2.5k /5k
  • Ante 5k

In this poker hand, Jason went all in for 9.5k, and Faiz in the small blind (SB) called. Shakti in the big blind (BB) also called. The flop came 9 of hearts (9h), 8 of hearts (8h), and Queen of spades (Qs).

Both players checked the flop. The turn revealed the Queen of clubs (Qc), and once again, both players checked. Finally, the river came as 4 of spades (4s).Faiz then bet 10k, forcing Shakti to fold.

Faiz – 8d Qd 5s

Jason – Jh 5h Ad

Faiz Alam hit  full house,  winning the hand and eliminating Jason on the money bubble.


Payouts for the Super Holdem Turbo are as follows:

1st place: INR 2,09,300 along with the prestigious DPT Trophy.

2nd place: A handsome reward of INR 1.25 Lac.

3rd place: A respectable prize of INR 83,720.

Kshitij Kucheria Finishes Fifth

  • Level 14
  • Blinds 2k /4k
  • Ante 4k

Faiz Alam initiates with an opening bet of 10,000 chips, and Kshitij from the big blind makes the call.

The flop reveals 6h 7d Ac

Kshitij goes all-in for 22,500 chips, prompting Faiz Alam to take a moment before making the call.

Kshitij shows 10h 6d 9d.

Faiz reveals  Jc 7s 8c

The turn brings the 10 of clubs.

Finally, the river shows a Jack of spades.

Faiz Alam wins the pot, eliminating Kshitij with a strong hand containing two pairs: Jacks and Sevens.


Harshit Finishes in 6th Place and Exits the Tournament

  • Level 12
  • Blinds 1.5k / 2.5k
  • Ante 2.5k

In the UTG position, Harshit initiated the action with an opening bet of 5,000 chips. In the hijack (HJ) seat, Abhishek Grover raised it to 15,000 chips. Harshit, after some thought, opted to call.

The dealer revealed the flop:  7s 7c 6c

Harshit, with a stack of 25,000 chips, decided to go all-in. Abhishek Grover made the call.

Harshit turned over his hole cards: Qs Qc 6s.

Abhishek revealed his own cards: As Ad Kc

The turn card was the Jack of clubs, and the river card was the 3 of hearts.

In the end, Abhishek Grover secured victory by eliminating Harshit with his pocket Aces.

Harshit went out in 6th place, meaning we are two places away from ITM stage.


Dhirendra Kumar Busted in 7th place

  • Level 11
  • Blinds 1k / 2k
  • Ante 2k

MP Kshitij kicks off the action with an opening bet of 4,000 chips.

Shakti Shekhar from small blind decides to call. BB Dhirendra Kumar also opts to call.

The flop reveals the following community cards: 9s 5d 7d

Both Shakti and Dhirendra check, and Kshitij bets 8,000 chips. Shakti folds, but Dhirendra seizes the moment, pushing all his chips in for a total of 35,000. Kshitij quickly calls the all-in bet.

Dhirendra – 7s 5s 6c

Kshitij – 8c 7c 6s

The turn card is the Queen of diamonds, followed by the River card – the 6 of hearts.

Ultimately, Kshitij emerges victorious with a straight, eliminating Dhirendra from the hand.


Siddarth Singhvi Finishes 8th


  • Level 10
  • Blinds 800 /1600
  • Ante 1600

And we have the first elimination from the FT in Siddarth Singhvi

Here is how the hand unfolded:

In the UTG+1 position, Siddharth Singhvi limps

Dhirendra Kumar from HJ  pushes all-in with a stack of 22.6k.

Siddharth also decides to go all-in with a stack of 15.4k.

Here are the hands:

Dhirendra – Kd Jd 10c

Siddarth – Ah 6h 9h

The community cards are revealed: 7c Qs Qh 10s 3d

Dhirendra secures the victory, eliminating Siddharth with a pair of tens.


Final Table Set With Shakti Shekhar in Lead

  • Level: 9
  • Blinds: 600-1200
  • Ante: 1200

As Super Holdem Turbo approaches its climactic final table, the excitement in the air reaches a fever pitch. Shakti Shekhar takes the lead with a commanding stack of 182.5k, while close on his heels is Abhishek Grover with a formidable 106k.  Here is a quick look at the final table chip counts:

  • Jason  Fernandes- 20k
  • Shakti Shekhar – 182.5k
  • Kshitij Kucheria – 61k
  • Harshit – 64k
  • Dhirendra Kumar -22.8k
  • Abhishek Grover – 106k
  • Siddharth Singhvi – 22k
  • Faiz Alam – 63k


Late Registration Closes With 23 Entries.

  • Level: 9
  • Blinds: 600-1200
  • Ante: 1200

Late registration for Super Holdem Turbo has closed, with a total of 23 total entries. Out of these 23, only 9 players remain in contention, which means that the tournament is approaching its final table.

The final table typically consists of the last 9 players, and it’s where the most significant prizes and awards are at stake. Good luck to all the players remaining in the tournament!


Shakti Shekar Busts Two Players in Single Hand

  • Level 8
  • Blind 500 1000
  • Ante 1000

Akshay opens TO 2.5k

Shakti 3- betS to 7.5k

Nikhil 4-bets to 21k

Both Akshay and Shakti call Nikhil’s 4-bet.

Flop 7c 9d 6s

Shakti jams and Nikhil calls

Shakti – Jc Qc Kc

Akshay – Ah As Kd

Nikhil – Qh 9c 9h

Shakti made a flush on the river and busted both Akshay and Nikhil


Notable Chip Counts

  • Level: 6
  • Blinds: 300-600
  • Ante: 600

Shakti Shekar – 129.6k

Harshit  – 71.8k

Abhishek Grover – 101k

Kshitij Kucheria – 39.4k

Navneet – 31.2k


Poker Pro Shravan Chhabria Deals Excitement at Super Hold’em Showdown!

  • Level: 3
  • Blinds: 200-300
  • Ante: 300

In a thrilling turn of events, multi-talented Bollywood actor and seasoned pro, Shravan Chhabria, has joined the Super Holdem. Brace yourself for an electrifying fusion of stardom and cardplay as his charismatic presence promises to elevate the action, making this event a must-play spectacle!



Wilson Yomso Graces DPT Super Holdem!

  • Level: 2
  • Blinds: 100-200
  • Ante: 200

Super Holdem Turbo is attracting everyone’s attention. Both pros and recreationals can be seen in the mix. Renowned as a veteran poker professional, Wilson Yomso has now made his entry into the Super Hold’em arena. With a wealth of experience and a knack for playing the odds, this poker pro promises to take the excitement of the game to new heights. Watch out for his big moves right here!


Harshit Takes It Down With Flush

  • Level 5
  • Blind 300 500
  • Ante 500

Shakti Shekar limps from UTG

Puneet opens to 1.5k from MP

Harshit calls from BB. Shakti also calls

Flop 6h 8h 7s

All check the flop

Turn Kd

All check the turn

River 2s

All check and reveal their cards: 

Shakti- 2h 5c 6c

Puneet – Qc 7c 8c

Harshit – Ks Js As

Harshit hits flush and takes it down.


Some Notables In Action

Level: 1

Blinds: 100-100

Ante: 100

Over 15 players are currently in action, with notable individuals such as the seasoned poker professional Faiz Alam, Chandra Jha, Shakti Shekhar, Wilson Yomso, and several others among them.


Shuffling the Excitement: Super Holdem Begins

  • Level: 1
  • Blinds: 100-100
  • Ante: 100

The anticipation is palpable as the cards take flight, signaling the commencement of the thrilling Super Holdem event at the luxurious Deltin Royale casino in Goa. Super Holdem, a game where players are dealt three cards, has taken the casino floor by storm, with players enjoying it a lot.

As of now, only one table is in action, but the excitement is poised to surge in the coming minutes. Late registration remains wide open, offering an opportunity for more poker enthusiasts to join the action until the commencement of level 9. The Super Holdem experience at Deltin Royale is set to reach new heights, making this a must-play event for all poker aficionados in the region.


Welcome To DPT October 2023 Super Holdem Turbo

Get ready to soak in the electrifying atmosphere as we dive into the sixth event of the DPT October 2023 – the Super Holdem Turbo. This single-day extravaganza features an INR 20k buy-in and a generous starting stack of 25k. The blinds start at 100-110 with an additional ante of 100. Each level in this competition spans 20 minutes, and the action will continue until a champion emerges. Just like its other DPT counterparts, the Super Holdem Turbo event will also payout 12.5% of the field.

To keep the energy levels high, there will be a brief 10-minute breather for every 120 minutes of play. In terms of the format, players are dealt a trio of cards, while the community cards remain five cards. To make the best five-card combination, you will have to use at least one or maximum three cards.

In the previous edition of this adrenaline-pumping event, Vishrant Goyal claimed the Super Holdem Turbo title. Will you be the one to seize glory this time? The stage is set, and the excitement is palpable. What are you waiting for? Join the action and etch your name as the next champion.