Welcome to the Live Coverage of the DPT May 2024 Mini Main Event!

Harsh Bubna is the DPT May 2024 Mini Main Event Champion!

Level: 28

Blinds: 75k-175k

Following two days of intense poker action, the DPT May 2024 Mini Main Event has crowned a champion! Harsh Bubna, a rising talent in the poker world, triumphed over a competitive field of 217 entries to claim his maiden DPT trophy and a prize of INR 7,87,668 after a three-way deal.

The final showdown saw Bubna face off against Vaibhav Khurana in a gripping heads-up battle. Bubna entered the heads-up as the chip leader and maintained his momentum to secure his first DPT title. Vaibhav Khurana put up a strong fight but ultimately finished as the runner-up for INR 7,65,967.

The final hand was a dramatic one. Bubna went all-in, and Vaibhav Khurana called from the big blind.

Bubna: Q♠ 8♠

Khurana: 7♦ 10♦

Board: 7♠ 5♦ 8♦ 4♠ K♥

Bubna’s pair of eights held strong, securing him the pot and his first DPT trophy.

Congratulations to Harsh Bubna, the DPT May 2024 Mini Main Event Champion!

Heads-up For DPT May 2024 Mini Main Event Title

 Finally, we are down to the heads-up for the title. Harsh Bubna and Vaibhav Khurana go head-to-head in the DPT May 2024 mini main event for the coveted title. Here are their chips counts:

Harsh Bubna: 3.47 million

Vaibhav Khurana: 2.25 million.  

With Bubna leading the charge, who will emerge victorious? Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion!


Gurpal Singh Finishes 3rd for INR 7,24,753

Level: 23
Blinds: 20k-40k
Ante: 40k

In this hand, Gurpal Singh’s 5♥ 5♦ failed to hold up against Harsh Bubna’s A♣ 8♥ as the board ran out A♥ 8♠ 10♣ J♠ 9♣, giving Harsh two pair and ending Gurpal Singh’s journey in third place.

Final Three Players Strike Deal

Level: 22

Blinds: 15k-30k

Ante: 30k

The final thee players have agreed to a deal. Here are their stacks and agreed prizes.

Gurpal Singh ( 14,20,000) – INR 7, 24,753

Harsh Bubna  (21,45000) – INR 7,87,668

Vaibhav Khurna (18,65000) – INR 7,65,967

Choloraj Eliminated in 4th Place for INR 4,23,483

Level: 22
Blinds: 15k-30k
Ante: 30k

Pre-flop, from the SB, Vaibhav Khurana raises to 65k with 9♦ 6♣. In response, BB Choloraj shoves all-in for 270k with A♣ 3♣, and Khurana calls.

Board: Q♠ J♠ 6♦ 10♠ 8♦

Vaibhav Khurana completes a straight, busting Choloraj in 4th place.

Ishant Soni Exits in 5th Place for INR 3,20,335

Level: 22

Blinds: 15k-30k

Ante: 30k

In the swift pace of the final table, Ishant Soni becomes one of the latest casualties, exiting in 5th place for INR 3,20,335.

In a crucial hand, Ishant’s hopes were dashed as his pocket jacks clashed with Vaibhav Khurana’s pocket kings.

The tension peaked as the board unveiled its cards: 3♠ 3♥ A♥ J♥ K♣, granting both players a full house.

However, it was Khurana who emerged victorious with a superior full house, ending Ishant’s run in 5th place.

Vaibhav Khurana  Busts Two Players Again!

Level: 21

Blinds: 15k-25k

Ante: 25k

Vaibhav Khurana continues his elimination spree, showcasing his dominance once again by busting two players in a single hand.

This time, action unfolds as follows: From the button, Pratik Kumar pushes all-in for 180k with A♥ 10♣. From the SB, Shahrukh F joins the fray, shoving for 355k with 3♦ 3♥. Vaibhav Khurana, undeterred, decides to make the call with 9♣ Q♣.

As the tension mounts, the board reveals its cards: 9♦ 9♣ 4♦ J♣ K♦.

Vaibhav’s bold call with pocket queens (9♣ Q♣) proves triumphant as he got trips with nines, securing him the pot and eliminating both Pratik Kumar and Shahrukh F from the hand.

Praktik exited in 7th place for 1,83,291, while Shahruk bowed out in 6th for INR 2,42,311!

Vaibhav Khurana  Busts Two Players Again!

Level: 21

Blinds: 15k-25k

Ante: 25k

Vaibhav Khurana continues his elimination spree, showcasing his dominance once again by busting two players in a single hand.

This time, action unfolds as follows: From the button, Pratik Kumar pushes all-in for 180k with A♥ 10♣. From the SB, Shahrukh F joins the fray, shoving for 355k with 3♦ 3♥. Vaibhav Khurana, undeterred, decides to make the call with 9♣ Q♣.

As the tension mounts, the board reveals its cards: 9♦ 9♣ 4♦ J♣ K♦.

Vaibhav’s bold call with pocket queens (9♣ Q♣) proves triumphant as he got trips with nines, securing him the pot and eliminating both Pratik Kumar and Shahrukh F from the hand.

Praktik exited in 7th place for 1,83,291, while Shahruk bowed out in 6th for INR 2,42,311!

Vaibhav Khurana Busts Two Players In Single Hand

Level: 21

Blinds: 15k-25k

Ante: 25k

In a dramatic showdown, it became a thee-way all-in confrontation. From the BB, Vaibhav Khurana held 6♠ 6♣, while Piyush Baid from MP possessed A♦ K♣, and Udit Baid from the CO presented A♠ 4♥.

Piyush Baid initiated the action, opening to 50k, only to face an all-in move from Udit Baid. Not hesitating, Vaibhav Khurana from BB also pushed all his chips in.

With a stack of 450k, Piyush Baid decided to make the call, putting himself at risk.

Vaibhav: 6♠ 6♣

Piyush: A♦ K♣

Udit: A♠ 4♥

The board unfolded: 4♦ 6♦ 2♦ 2♣ J♠.

Vaibhav Khurana’s pocket sixes held strong, busting both players from the pot.

Udit Baid exits in 9th place, earning INR 1,04,877, while Piyush Baid secures the 8th spot, collecting INR 1,38,647.

Final Table Set With Vaibhav Khurana in Lead

Level: 20
Blinds: 10k-20k
Ante: 20k

With the departure of Yudhishthir Rathore in 10th place, we are now down to the final table.

Vaibhav Khurana (1.5M) takes the lead, followed closely by Harsh Bubna with 1.32 million chips.

Final Table Chip Counts:

  • Shahrukh Farooqui: 220K
  • Harsh Bubna: 1.32M
  • Pratik Kumar: 245K
  • Udit Baid: 265K
  • Gurpal Singh: 640K
  • Ishant Soni: 310K
  • Choloraj: 690K
  • Piyush Baid: 660K
  • Vaibhav Khurana: 1.5M

Final Table Payouts (INR):

  1. 9,78,430
  2. 7,40,115
  3. 5,59,845
  4. 4,23,483
  5. 3,20,335
  6. 2,42,311
  7. 1,83,291
  8. 1,38,647
  9. 1,04,877

Yudhishthir Rathore Bubbles DPT Mini Main Event Final Table

Level: 20
Blinds: 10k-20k
Ante: 20k

Preflop Action: Yudhishthir from the CO shoves for 210k. Gurpal Singh from the BB calls.

  • Yudhishthir: 9♠ 9♣
  • Gurpal: A♦ 9♥

Board: 7♣ 4♦ J♠ 2♦ A♣

With an ace on the river, Gurpal wins the hand, and Yudhishthir bubbles the final table, exiting in 10th for INR 85,569.

Abhishek Sharma Finishes 11th for INR 85,569

Level: 20
Blinds: 10k-20k
Ante: 20k

From the UTG position, Vaibhav Khurana raises to 45k. Abhishek Sharma goes all-in for 235k, and Vaibhav calls.

  • Vaibhav Khurana: Q♦ Q♠
  • Abhishek Sharma: 9♦ 9♠

Board: K♠ K♣ 6♠ 8♦ 5♦

Vaibhav wins the pot, eliminating Abhishek Sharma in 11th place for INR 85,569.

Sahil Bathra Eliminated

Level: 20

Blinds: 10k-20k

Ante: 20k

Preflop: Sahil Bathra from an early position goes all-in for 40k. CO, Piyush Goel calls.

Sahil: A♠ 2♥

Piyush: 7♦ A♣

Board: 6♣ K♠ 7♠ 10♣ 6♠

Piyush wins with two pairs (sevens and sixes), eliminating Sahil.

Gokul Krishna Eliminated

Level: 20
Blinds: 10k-20k
Ante: 20k

Preflop: UTG, Naman Agarwal goes all-in for 110k. CO, Gokul Krishna calls.

  • Naman: A♣ 10♣
  • Gokul: 10♦ 10♠

Board: 7♣ Q♣ 9♠ 8♣ K♥

Naman’s flush eliminates Gokul.

Notable Chip Counts – Vaibhav Khurana Leads

Level: 19

Blinds: 8k-16k

Ante: 16k

Vaibhav Khurana 800k

Harsh Bubna 680k

Piyush Goel 600k

Abheek Nagpal 480k

Shakib M Eliminated

Level: 19
Blinds: 8k-16k
Ante: 16k

Preflop: From mid position, Shakib M goes all-in for 2.06 lakh. Abheek Nagpal from the BB calls.

  • Shakib: J♣ J♠
  • Abheek: Q♦ Q♣
    Board: 7♠ 8♠ 9♦ 5♠ A♣

Shakib is eliminated by Abheek’s superior queens.

Ishant Soni Doubles Up

Level: 18
Blinds: 6k-12k
Ante: 12k

Preflop: Small blind Ishant Soni bets 6000. On the CO, Udit Baid calls. Soni goes all-in. Ishant instantly calls.

  • Ishant: Q♠ Q♣
  • Udit: J♥ J♣
    Board: A♣ 5♥ 7♦ 6♥ K♦

Ishant secures a double up against Udit.

Shuffle Up & Deal – Day 2 Begins!

Level: 1

Blinds: 100-200

Ante: 200

With the announcement of “Shuffle Up and Deal,” Day 2 of the DPT Mini Main Event has began here at the luxurious Deltin Royale in Goa.

Udit Baid Leads DPT Mini Main Event Survivors

After 18 intense levels of play, Day 1 of the DPT Mini Main Event concluded with 26 players remaining out of the initial 217 entrants. Udit Baid leads the pack with an impressive stack of 451k, closely followed by Kapil Arora with 429k.

Below is the complete list of Day 1 survivors:

  1. Udit Baid – 451k
  2. Kapil Arora – 429k
  3. Vaibhav Khurana* – 408k
  4. Gurpal Singh – 407k
  5. Ishant Soni – 236k
  6. Yudhishthir Rathore – 239k
  7. Shakib M – 243k
  8. Naman Agarwal – 256k
  9. Sharukh Faroovi – 109k
  10. Abheek Nagpal – 108k
  11. Arshdeep Singh – 86k
  12. Gokul Krishna – 142k
  13. Harshit Kamvani – 157k
  14. Shamanath H – 166k
  15. Sahil Batra – 166k
  16. Deepak Agarwal – 173k
  17. Pratik Kumar – 176k
  18. Kishore Kumar – 124k
  19. Vaibhav Balla – 135k
  20. Charu Vikram – 54k
  21. Cholaraj G – 63k
  22. Raman Dixit – 94k
  23. Pratibh Saluja – 41k
  24. Piyush Baid – 79k
  25. Vineet Kumar – 50k

Day 2 of the Mini Main Event is scheduled to start tomorrow at 1 PM. Stay tuned for updates!


Vikhyat Ahlawat Busted from Mini Main Event

Level: 17
Blinds: 5k/10k
Ante: 10k

Abheek Nagpal, from under the gun, raises to 20k. Vikhyat Ahlawat, in the big blind, calls.


  • Abheek Nagpal: 6♥ 6♠
  • Vikhyat Ahlawat: 9♥ Q♦

Board: K♦ J♥ 3♣ 7♣ 2♠

Abheek Nagpal’s pocket sixes hold up, and Vikhyat Ahlawat is eliminated from the Mini Main Event.

Vikhyat Ahlawat Doubles Up Through Abheek Nagpal

Level: 17
Blinds: 5k/10k
Ante: 10k

Vikhyat Ahlawat, from the cutoff, goes all in for 24k. Abheek Nagpal, on the button, calls.


  • Abheek Nagpal: A♦ 4♥
  • Vikhyat Ahlawat: 8♦ Q♦

Board: K♠ 7♦ 6♥ Q♥ 5♠

Vikhyat Ahlawat hits a pair of queens on the turn, doubling up through Abheek Nagpal.

Kamal Punjabi Busted From DPT Mini Main Event

Level: 16
Blinds: 4k/8k
Ante: 8k

Udit Baid, from the hijack, raises to 15k. Kamal Punjabi, in the cutoff, goes all in for 89k, which Baid calls.

  • Udit Baid: A♦ J♥
  • Kamal Punjabi: 10♦ 10♠

Board: 8♥ A♥ 4♥ J♠ K♣

Udit Baid hits a pair of aces on the flop and a pair of jacks on the turn, sending Kamal Punjabi out of the tournament.

Payouts & Prize Pool Revealed!

Level: 16
Blinds: 4k-8k
Ante: 8k

The payouts for the DPT Mini Main Event have finally been announced. The tournament will pay out a total of 27 players, with the champion taking home an impressive INR 9,78,430.

Payouts (INR):

  1. 9,78,430
  2. 7,40,115
  3. 5,59,845
  4. 4,23,483
  5. 3,20,335
  6. 2,42,311
  7. 1,83,291
  8. 1,38,647
  9. 1,04,877

10 to 13 – 85,569

14 to 17- 69,815

18 to 27 – 56,963

Stay tuned for more updates as the action unfolds and players vie for their share of the prize pool!

Abhishek Sharma Among Big Stacks in DPT Mini Main Event Day 1

Level: 15
Blinds: 3k-6k
Ante: 6k

With just 35 players remaining out of the initial 217 entries in the Mini Main Event, the competition is heating up. Among those still in contention, several players have amassed impressive chip stacks, including:

  • Ishant Soni – 245k
  • Yudhisthir Rathore – 190k
  • Abhishek Sharma – 320k
  • Udit Baid – 292k

Stay tuned for more updates as the field narrows and the action intensifies!

Prateek Kumar Doubles Up

Level: 14

Blinds: 2.5k/5k

Ante: 5k

Preflop, Udit Baid from under the gun goes all in for 27k. Prateek Kumar, in the big blind, snap calls.

Udit Baid: A♦ Q♦

Prateek Kumar: A♠ K♠

Board: 2♠ 4♠ 7♦ 7♠ 10♣

Prateek Kumar doubles up with a flush, solidifying his position in the game.

Kumar Vatsal Eliminated

Level: 14
Blinds: 2500-5000
Ante: 5000

Preflop, Kumar Vatsal, in the big blind, goes all in for 40k. The small blind, Ishant Soni, calls.

Kumar Vatsal: 4♣ 4♠

Ishant Soni: A♣ J♦

Board: K♠ J♥ 8♥ 10♦ 10♥

Ishant Soni wins with two pairs (jacks and tens), eliminating Kumar Vatsal.

Late Registration Closes with 217 Entries for Mini Main Event

Level: 8
Blinds: 600-1200
Ante: 1200

As Level 8 begins, late registration for the Mini Main Event has officially closed, attracting an impressive 217 entries. Details on payouts and the prize pool will be posted shortly. Stay tuned for updates!

Notable Players in the Field

Level: 7
Blinds: 500-1000
Ante: 1000

The field size for the Mini Main Event continues to grow, now exceeding 200 players. Some notable participants include Gurpal Singh, Aditya Singh, Kapil Arora, rising stars Ritwik Khanna and Pratibh Saluja, as well as Abhishek Sharma, Harsh Bubna, Vikhayat Ahlawat, and many more.

Shuffle Up and Deal – Mini Main Event Begins

Level: 1

Blinds: 100-200

Ante: 200

With the official announcement of the shuffle up and deal, the mini Main Event has kicked off. Player start with as starting stack 25k and blinds start at 100-200. Stay tuned in for the live updates!

Welcome to Day 1A of DPT May 2024 Mini Main Event!

Ladies and gentlemen, poker enthusiasts, and thrill-seekers, welcome back to the DPT May 2024 series at the fabulous Deltin Royale casino! Following the remarkable turnouts and intense competition in the first five events, it is now time for Event 6: the Mini Main Event!


Running from May 23rd to May 24th, the Mini Main Event promises to be a fantastic addition to the series. Day 1 kicks off at 5 PM today, featuring 30-minute levels and a starting stack of 25k. Day 2 will begin at 1 PM tomorrow, continuing the action-packed gameplay.


With a buy-in of INR 25k, this event offers a perfect opportunity for players to compete in a fast-paced and thrilling environment. Late registration is open until the start of level 9, ensuring that everyone has a chance to join in the excitement.


In the previous edition, Faiz Alam emerged victorious, walking away with INR 6,32,214 after a stellar performance. Will we see another impressive run this time around?


After the impressive participation and fierce battles in the Micro Main Event, Mystery Bounty, Highroller, Turbo Mix Event, and the ongoing Main Event, we anticipate yet another thrilling competition. Stay tuned for all the live updates, big plays, and key moments as we continue the DPT May 2024 series with the Mini Main Event! Let the action begin!