Welcome to the Live Coverage of the 2024 DPT Grand Rush Finale!


Sagar Raj Crowned DPT Grand Rush Finale Champion!

dpt grand rush

Level: 18
Blinds: 6k-12k
Ante: 12k

And we have the first champion of the 2024 DPT Grand edition! In an exhilarating showdown at the DPT Grand Edition, Sagar Raj has emerged as the champion of the DPT Grand Rush Finale! The final table was a thrilling affair , and after a fierce back-and-forth heads-up battle, Sagar claimed the coveted title.

Starting the final table with the fourth-largest stack, Sagar displayed incredible skill and strategy, entering the heads-up with massive chip lead against Ramji Kishore. Although Ramji fought valiantly to claw his way back into contention, he ultimately had to settle for the runner-up spot, taking home a substantial prize of INR 13 Lakhs.

The climax of the tournament arrived with a decisive final hand. Sagar confidently shoved all-in with A♣ K♠, while Ramji made the call with his remaining 2.36 Lakh stack holding A♦ 5♣. The tension was palpable as the board revealed 7♣ 4♣ Q♣ 3♥ 9♥, solidifying Sagar’s victory with his ace-king, which proved to be the best hand.

With this triumph, Sagar Raj not only earned a dazzling prize of INR 18,31,000 but also claimed the coveted bracelet, etching his name in the annals of DPT history. Congratulations to Sagar on this remarkable achievement!

DPT Grand Rush Final Table Payouts (INR)

dpt grand rush

Rank Player Prize Total (INR)
1st Sagar Raj  18,31,000
2nd Ramji Kishore 13,00,000
3rd Ankur Sehgal 9,00,000
4th Kunal Patni 7,00,000
5th Arun Sriram 5, 00, 000
6th Aman Parakh 3,50,000
7th Sachin Kelkar 2,50,000
8th R-Abhilash 1,50,000
9th Ankit Saurabh 1,50,000

Heads-Up For Title 

We’re down to the final two! The heads-up battle is now underway between Sagar Raj (400k)  and Ramji Kishore (90k).Both players have their eyes on the massive INR 18, 31,000top prize. Sagar is favourite, it could be anyone’s game now. Stay tuned to see who emerges victorious!

Ankur Sehgal Finishes 3rd for INR 9,00,000

Level 17.

Blinds 5k/10k

Antete: 10k.

Ankur segal’s remarkable run in DPT Grand Rush ends. In his last hand, he  went all-in with a stack of  144k holding  Ks Qh. Sagar Raj called with Ac 10c.

The 8h 6h 7h 7c 6s did not help Ankur and Sagar took down the pot, busting Ankur in third place. 

Natural8 India Director & Ambassador Kunal Patni Eliminated (4th for INR 7,00,0000)

Level 17

Blind :5/10k

Ante: 10k

Sagar Raj from UTG open shoves with Jh 4h and the shorter stack Kunal Patni from button calls with a stronger Qs 10s. 

Unfortunately for Kunal,  the 6d Ks 4c 5d 8s does not help him and he gets busted in 4th place. 

Adda52 Game Ambassador Arun Sriram Finishes 5th for INR 5 Lakhs 

Level 17

Blind :5/10k

Ante: 5k

Seated on the button Adda52 Gam Ambassador Arun Sriram goes all-in with Kc 6c for his last  34k. Sagar Raj from the big blind makes the call, holding 8c7h.

Board: 9s 10h 3d 5d 7d

The board does not help Arun and he gets eliminated in 5th place, earning INR 5, 00, 000 for his efforts. 

Aman Parakh was Eliminated in Sixth Place (INR 3,50,000)

Level: 16

Blinds: 4k-8k

Ante: 8k

Following the elimination of Sachin Kelkar in 7th place for INR 2,50,000, we saw Aman Parakh leaving the final table. In his last hand, Aman Parakh from button shoved for 48k with Kh Js.

Kunal Patni from big blind tanked a bit before making the call with a dominating Ah Kh.

The board brought Ad 3d 5h Qc 4s, giving Patni and busting Aman in sixth place.

Chip Counts of the Final 7 Players

Level: 14

Blinds: 2,500/5,000

Ante: 5,000

Here’s a look at the current chip stacks of the final seven players battling it out:

Sagar Raj – 150,000

Kunal Patni – 110,000

Aman Parakh – 87,000

Ankur Sehgal – 75,000

Ramji Kishore – 59,000

Arun Sriram – 59,000

Sachin Kelkar – 46,000

The tension is rising as each player eyes the top prize!

R. Abhilash Exits in 8th Place (₹1,50,000)

Level: 13

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 4,000

We have another elimination from the final table, this time R-Abhilash exiting in 8th place. In his last hand, he open shoved for over 25k stack with 5s 5c and got a call from Sagar Raj holding Ad 6c in the big blind.

The board ran out 10c 2s 9h 4s Ac. The ace on the river secured the pot for Sagar, sending Abhilash out in 8th place with ₹1,50,000 in winnings.

Ankit Saurabh Finishes 9th (₹1.5 Lakh)

Level: 13

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 4,000

The first casualty of the final table was Ankit Saurabh, who finished in 9th place. In a pre-flop showdown, a player from UTG opened to 8,000. Ankit, in the hijack, went all-in, only to see Ankur Sehgal make the call from the big blind. The UTG player folded, and it was a heads-up battle:

Ankit: Kd Jd

Ankur: Qc Qh

Board: 5h 9d 8s 3c 3d

Ankur’s pocket queens held up, knocking out Ankit, who took home ₹1,50,000 for his efforts.

Final Table Set with Aman Parakh Leading the Pack!

Level: 12

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 4,000

Finally, we are down to the final 9 in The Grand Rush Finale here at the DTP Grand 2024. Leading the way is none other than the rising star Aman Parakh, who sits at the top with an impressive chip lead of 1,810,000. Close behind are some heavyweights in the Indian poker scene, including Kunal Patni, Natural8 India’s director and ambassador, and Arun Sriram, Adda52’s game ambassador.

Here’s the final table lineup:

  1. Aman Parakh – 1,810,000
  2. Kunal Patni – 1,200,000
  3. Arun Sriram – 1,000,000
  4. Sagar Raj – 78,000
  5. Ankur Sehgal – 51,500
  6. R Abhilash – 51,000
  7. Ankit Saurabh – 22,500
  8. Ramji Kishore – 20,000
  9. Sachin Kelkar – 17,500

Each player at this final table is already guaranteed at least INR 1,50,000, but all eyes are set on the ultimate prize—the coveted bracelet and a hefty INR 18,31,000 for first place.

Who will rise to the challenge and claim victory? Stay tuned as we bring you every thrilling moment!

Praful Hasbe Bubbles Out in DPT Grand Rush Finale

Level: 12

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 4,000

Short-stacked and desperate for a double-up, Praful Hasbe pushed his remaining 6,000 chips into the middle. Kunal Patni, from the cutoff, and Sagar Raj both called, setting the stage for a three-way showdown.

Flop: 10h 10d 9d

The flop gets checked around.

Turn: 8d

Once again, both Kunal and Sagar opted to check.

River: Ks

The river was also a check-check

Praful: Js 8s

Kunal: 6h 9h

Sagar: 4s 5c

Kunal’s flopped two pairs held strong, and he scooped up the pot, sending Praful Hasbe to the rail in 10th place on the final table.

Sagar Raj Sends Mohd Nazim to the Rail in 12th Place (INR 1, 00,000)

Level: 12
Blinds: 1,500-3,000
Ante: 2,500

Under the gun, Mohd Nazim shoved all-in with his 19,500 stacks, holding A♦3♥. 

Fresh off his knockout, Sagar Raj called from the cutoff, holding A♠K♠. 

The board fell out 8♠A♥4♦8♦10♥, giving both players two pairs with aces and eights but Raj won it with his kicker,  sending Nazim out in 12th place.

Lavesh Meena Exits in 13th Place (INR 1,00,000)

Level: 11
Blinds: 1,500-2,500
Ante: 2,500

From the button, Lavesh Meena shoved all-in with his 16,000 stacks, holding K♦3♥. 

Sagar Raj called from the small blind, revealing A♠K♣.

The board displayed 6♠4♠Q♦A♥J♥, with Raj hitting an ace on the turn to knock out Meena in 13th place.

Anish Arora Heads to the rail in 14th Place (INR  72,000)

Level: 11
Blinds: 1,500-2,500
Ante: 2,500

Sitting in the hijack, Anish Arora moved all in with his 12,000 stacks. Aman Parakh called from the cutoff. Arora revealed 9♣8♣, while Parakh showed K♦4♦. 

The board came out 4♥4♠8♦K♥2♦, giving Parakh a full house and ending Arora’s tournament run in 14th place.

Chirag Sodha Hits the Rail in 15th Place

Level: 10
Blinds: 1,000-2,000
Ante: 2,000

Arun Sriram raised to 6,500 from the cutoff, and Chirag Sodha moved all-in from the button with his 13,900 stack. Sriram called, holding A♠K♥ against the Q♣Q♥ of Sodha. 

The board ran out 4♠K♠J♣4♣4♥, giving Sriram a bigger full house to bust Sodha in 15th place.

Ganesh Durgade Out in 16th Place

Level: 9
Blinds: 800-1,600
Ante: 1,600

Ganesh Durgade went all-in from mid-position with his 14,200 stacks, and Mohd Nazim called from the cutoff. Durgade revealed A♦9♦, while Nazim showed A♣K♥. The board ran out K♦10♠6♣Q♥9♥, and Nazim’s hand held up, sending Durgade out in 16th place.

Anand Babu Bows Out in 17th Place

Level: 9
Blinds: 800-1,600
Ante: 1,600

In pre-flop action, Anand Babu went all-in from the cut-off with his 7,800 stacks, holding K♠10♠. Prafull Hasbe called from the big blind with A♠8♣. The board ran out 10♥5♣8♥8♠2♣, giving Hasbe trip eights and ending Babu’s deep run in 17th place.

Sachin Kelkar Cracks Ankit Jain’s Pocket Aces, Jain Eliminated in 18th Place

Level: 9
Blinds: 800-1,600
Ante: 1,600

Ankit Jain raised to 3,500 from the button, with Sachin Kelkar calling from the small blind and another player calling from the big blind. 

The flop came A♦3♦10♦, and all players checked. The turn brought the 8♠, and Kelkar bet 4,000. The big blind folded, while Ankit Jain moved all-in, and Kelkar called.

Kelkar revealed Q♦J♦, while Jain showed A♥A♣. The river K♦ gave Kelkar a royal flush, cracking Jain’s aces and eliminating him in 18th place.

Kunal Patni Knocks Out Vineet Kumar in 19th Place

Level: 7
Blinds: 600-1,200
Ante: 1,200

Short-stacked Vineet Kumar went all-in from the button holding J♦10♣. Kunal Patni called from the big blind with K♠9♥. The board displayed Q♥4♠8♥10♦J♥, giving Patni a straight and sending Kumar to the rail in 19th place.

Kunal Patni Eliminates Ramakrishna Raju (24th Place – INR 52K)

Level: 7
Blinds: 500-1000
Ante: 1000

The short-stacked Ramakrishna Raju shoved from early position with Js 9♥. Kunal Patni, seated in the big blind position, snap-called with 10♠ 7♠.

The board ran 5♥ 4♥ 10♦ 5♣, giving Kunal two pairs to take down the pot and bust his opponent.

Mithun Mahesh Hits The Rail in 27th Place

Level: 7
Blinds: 500-1,000
Ante: 1,000

From the button, the short-stacked Mithun Mahesh shoved all-in with a stack of 7,100 holding 10♠ K♠, and Ankit Sourabh called from the small blind with A♠ 9♠.

The board ran out Q♥ 4♦ 5♥ 3♣ J♣, and Ankit’s Ace-high held up, sending Mithun Mahesh to the rail in 27th place.

Areyann Gurbaxani Busts Out in 28th Place

Level: 7
Blinds: 500-1,000
Ante: 1,000

In mid-position, Anish Arora opened to 2,200. R Abhilash called from the small blind, while Areyann G, in the big blind, went all-in with a stack of 5,900. Both Arora and Abhilash called.

The flop came out 2♦ 10♣ 8♥. Arora bet 4,000, and Abhilash folded. The turn was K♠, and the river fell 8♦.

Arora revealed 10♣ J♠ for two pairs, while Aryan G showed A♦ 7♣. Arora’s hand knocked out Aryan G in 28th place.

Nandan Pugalia Exits in 29th Place

Level: 6
Blinds: 400-800
Ante: 800

From middle position, Sachin Kelkar open-raised to 1,600 with A♥ 10♥, and small blind Nandan Pugalia moved all-in with 11,400 holding A♣ Q♦, and Kelkar called.

The board ran out 2♦ 6♥ 5♥ 10♦, supporting Kelkar’s A♥ 10♥.

Nikita Fernandes Eliminated in 33rd Place for INR 45,000

Level: 6
Blinds: 400-800
Ante: 800

Kunal Patni opened the action with a raise to 1.6k, and Ramkrishna Raju, seated in the cutoff, flat-called.

Nikita Fernandes then went all-in for her remaining stack of 4.7k.

Patni chose to fold, but Ramkrishna Raju made the call.

Nikita’s Hand: ♠️ Q♦️ Q♣️
Ramkrishna’s Hand: ♠️ 5♦️ 5♠️

The board ran out: ♠️ J♦️ 4♦️ 7♦️ 9♥️ 5♣️.

Unfortunately for Nikita, Ramkrishna hit a set of fives, eliminating her from the tournament.

Lavesh Meena Eliminates Uday Kwatra

Level: 5
Blinds: 300-600
Ante: 600

Uday Kwatra moved all-in from the button with 8♠️ 8♦️, and Lavesh Meena called from the hijack holding A♥️ 9♣️.

The board ran out: K♣️ 7♠️ 10♠️ 9♦️ 3♦️, giving Meena a nine on the turn to create a superior hand over Kwatra.

Nandan Pugalia Scores Elimination

Level: 5
Blinds: 300-600
Ante: 600

A player from the cutoff went all-in with 10♦️ 10♣️, and Nandan Pugalia called with K♥️ Q♣️.

The board came out: 4♠️ 9♠️ A♦️ Q♥️ 7♣️, and Pugalia hit a queen on the turn to beat pocket tens and  score an elimination.

Vineet Kumar Eliminates Ravi Gupta in 34th Place for INR 45,000

Level: 5
Blinds: 400-800
Ante: 800

Ravi Gupta, participating in his first DPT live event, found himself short-stacked and shoved all-in for 8.6k from middle position with A♣️ Q♣️.

Veteran poker pro Vineet Kumar made the call with K♣️ K♥️.

The board ran out: 10♠️ 8♥️ J♦️ 5♥️ 3♠️, allowing Vineet’s pocket kings to hold strong. He wins the pot, boosting his stack to nearly 22k.

Notable Chip Counts After First Break- Kunal Patni in Lead



Ante: 200

Following 5 level of play on Day 2 of the Grand Rush, only 35 players remain in the tournament with Natural8India director and Ambassador leading the remaining 35.

Kunal Patni – 40,000

Arun Sriram – 27,600

Chirag Sodha – 26,000

Ankit Saurabh – 25,700

Vineet Kumar – 21,400

Nazim Doubles Up Through Vineet Kumar 

Level: 3
Blinds: 200-400
Ante: 400

Nazim, from the cutoff, pushes the last of his stack of 4,800 into the middle with Q♠ 8♣. Vineet Kumar goes all-in from the button with 10,000, holding A♥ Q♥.

The board ran out: 4♠ 4♦ J♦ 8♥ 7♦. Nazim hit an 8 pair on the turn to stay alive and make a dent into Vineet Kumar’s stack. 

A Quick Look At Eliminations From Grand Rush Finale

Player Name Final Rank Payout (INR)
Myron Paul Anthony Pereira 85 34,000
Bibash 84 34,000
Vikash Shah 83 34,000
KISHOR KUMAR V C 82 34,000
Ashwin Vijay Vergiya 80 34,000
Himanshu Arora 78 34,000
Pranav Khandalkar 77 34,000
Devang Yadav 76 34,000
Paawan Bansal 74 34,000
Ritwik Khanna 72 34,000
Dhaval C Mudgal 71 39,000
Ainala Kiran Kumar Reddy 70 39,000
Tushar Gautam 69 39,000
Nishant Puri 68 39,000
Shardul Parthasarathi 67 39,000
Goldi Babbar 65 39,000
Naveen Kumar Satyappana 64 39,000
Deepak Singh 63 39,000
Jeevendra Arora 62 39,000
Rajat Sood 60 39,000
Harsh Bubna 58 39,000
Kapil Arora 57 39,000
Sahil Mahboobani 56 39,000
SACHIT MALIK 53 39,000
Raman Dixit 52 39,000
AKSHAT VERMA 51 39,000

Raman Dixit Bows Out In 52nd Position (INR 39,000)

Level: 4
Blinds: 300-50
Ante: 500

On the hijack, Raman Dixit went all-in with a stack of 13,600Sachin Kelkar called from the button with A♦ Q♦. Dixit had pocket 7♣ 7♦.The board ran out: 3♦ 6♣ 9♥ 2♥ A♣,  Kelkar caught an ace on the river to end Raman’s run in 52nd place (INR 39,000).

Dhirendra Kumar Eliminated in 44th Place (INR 45,000)

Level: 4
Blinds: 300-500
Ante: 500

Pre-flop, Anish Arora from UTG opens to 1,000, and Dhirendra Kumar from the cutoff moves all-in for 5,000. Arora takes a moment to think before making the call with K♦️ Q♠️ against the J♥️ J♦️ of Dhirendra.

The board runs out 9♠️ 5♦️ 6♠️ J♣️ 10♦️. Dhirendra hits a set on the turn, but Anish Arora rivers a straight to win the pot and eliminate Dhirendra in 44th place for INR 45,000.

Kunal Patni Busts Makwana

Level: 3
Blinds: 200-400
Ante: 400

Makwana shoves with A♠️ 8♦️ for 4.5k, and Natural8 India Director and Ambassador, Kunal Patni, calls with A♦️ 10♠️.

Board: Q♥️ 4♣️ J♦️ 9♣️ K♥️

Kunal Patni hits a rivered straight, eliminating Makwana in 54th position.

Kapil Arora Eliminated

Level: 3
Blinds: 200-400
Ante: 400

Former DPT Main Event and High Roller final tablelist Kapil Arora moved all-in from mid-position with Q♠️ J♠️, and Nandan Pugalia called from the button holding 9♦️ K♦️.

Board: 6♣️ 6♦️ 9♣️ 5♦️ 7♣️

Nandan makes two pairs with nines and sixes, taking down the pot and eliminating Kapil Arora from the tournament.

Shardul and Neel Haria Among Latest Eliminations

Level: 3
Blinds: 200-400
Ante: 400

In a three-way all-in pre-flop showdown, Anish Arora from early position open-shoves for over 12k with A♠️ 8♠️. Shardul P, from the cutoff, calls with his remaining 2.6k stack holding 10♦️ 10♣️. On the button, Neel Haria calls with his remaining 2k stack holding J♠️ J♦️.

Board: 9♦️ A♠️ 6♣️ 2♣️ 9♥️

Anish Arora wins with two higher pairs, aces and nines, eliminating both opponents.

Shardul is knocked out in 67th position, while Neel Haria exits in 66th place.

Ravi Kumar Gupta Doubles Up Through Vineet Kumar To Stay Alive

Level: 2
Blinds: 200-300
Ante: 200

From the Hijack, Ravi Kumar Gupta went all-in with his 4,900 stack. Vineet Kumar, in mid-position, called.

Ravi Kumar Gupta: A♥️ 10♣️
Vineet Kumar: J♦️ J♠️

The flop, 2♠️ 9♥️ 4♠️ keptVineet’s pocket jacks ahead. However, the turn brought the A♣️, and the river was 4♣️, giving Gupta the much-needed double up to stay in the game.

68 Players Remain in the DPT Grand Rush Finale

Level: 2
Blinds: 200-300
Ante: 300

Day 2 of the DPT Grand Rush is in full swing, and the action is heating up. With eliminations happening at a rapid pace, we’re now down to 68 players from the 96 who started the day. Among those still in the hunt for the title are some of the biggest names in the Indian poker:

  • Aditya Sushant, WSOP bracelet winner
  • Shivam Shukla, former DPT champion
  • Naveen Kumar, DPT May 2024 Micro Main Event champion
  • Kapil Arora, former DPT Main Event and High Roller final tablist
  • Kunal Patni, Natural8 India Director and Ambassador
  • Arun Sriram, Adda52 Team Pro
  • Ranjeet Negi
  • Deepak Singh
  • Vineet Kumar

Also in contention are Aayush AryaChirag Sodha, and Jaydeep Dawar, to name just a few of the notable players still battling it out.

Rajendra P’s DPT Rush Journey Ends

Level: 1
Blinds: 100-200
Ante: 200

Rajendra P, from UTG, opens to 500 and is called by four players.

Flop: 7♥️ 8♥️ 9♠️

Rajendra bets 800, and the player in UTG+2 raises to 1900. The player in HJ folds, but Deepak Botta shoves all-in for 12k. Rajendra calls, and UTG+2 snap-folds.

Rajendra: J♣️ J♠️
Deepak: 9♦️ 9♥️

The turn brings the Q♠️, and the river is the 2♣️, completing the board.

Deepak Botta wins the hand with a set of nines, and Rajendra P is eliminated.

Myron Pereira: First Bustout of Grand Rush Day 2

Level: 1
Blinds: 100-200
Ante: 200

In the preflop action, Jaydeep Dawar raises to 2,500 from the Hijack. Myron P, in the small blind, shoves with a 14,000 stack. Ashwin Vijay follows with a shove of his own for 22,000. Seeing the intense action, Jaydeep Dawar decides to fold.

Myron Pereira: K♥️ Q♦️
Ashwin Vijay: A♠️ 3♥️

The board runs out A♥️ A♦️ 4♠️ 6♦️ 3♠️, giving Vijay a full house with aces full of threes, resulting in the first elimination of Grand Rush Day 2.

Shuffle Up & Deal – Day 2 of the 2024 DPT Grand Rush Finale Kicks Off!

Level: 1

Blinds: 100-200

Ante: 200

The stage is set, and the excitement is palpable as the tournament director announces, “Shuffle Up & Deal!” for the first bracelet event of the DPT Grand 2024. Players have taken their seats, chips are stacked, and the cards are in the air. It’s time for the action to begin as competitors vie for glory! Who will rise to the top and make their mark today? Stay tuned in for live updates from the event.

Welcome to the 2024 DPT Grand Rush Finale!


Finally, the wait is over! The highly-anticipated Deltin Poker Tournament (DPT) Grand edition kicks off today here at the Deltin Royale casino in Goa. The action begins with the INR 1 Crore GTD DPT Grand Rush Finale (Day 2), the first bracelet event of the series kicking off in a while at 1 PM. 

Players who battled through five online starting flights from 10th to 13th of October are now ready for this thrilling showdown. With a buy-in of ₹11,000, this event has seen a total of 96 players out of 840 entries advance to Day 2. The WSOP  Bracelet winner Aditya Sushant leads the pack with a stack of 454,000 chips, and he is followed closely by “abhisk9646” with 340,000. While each of the remaining player is guaranteed at least INR 37,968, they will have their eyes on the INR 17.69 Lakhs top prize and the coveted bracelet.

Today, we’ll also witness the commencement of Day 1 of the 40K Mystery Bounty event at 5 PM, making it a double-header day. With blinds starting at 100-200 and ante 200, the DPT Rush finale features 25-minute levels. The event promises high-paced action and nail-biting moments. Keep your eyes peeled for thrilling hands, as some of the biggest names in poker aim for glory!


A_Sushant –





















The Online Poker News live reporting team is on-site to bring you all the excitement, including key hands, memorable moments, prize pool updates, field size, and captivating images. Stay tuned!