Welcome to the Live Coverage of the DPT May 2024 Mini Highroller!

Shaurya Kohli Is the DPT May 2024 Mini Highroller Champion!

Level: 32
Blinds: 150k-300k

Finally, it is all over! Shaurya Kohli has emerged as the DPT Mini Highroller Champion, overcoming a competitive field of 217 entries to secure his first DPT title and a whopping INR 13,69,806 in top prize money.

Kohli started the final table as the shortest stack but displayed top-notch poker skills throughout. He made a significant impact from the beginning, eliminating Vineet Kumar (8th), followed by scoring two knockouts of Mandar Madaye (6th) and Arjun Raghani (5th). He continued his dominance by busting Karan Sitlani in fourth place. After eliminating WSOP champion Aditya Sushant in third place, he entered the heads-up with a commanding 81.7 million chips against Sagar Raj’s 27.4 million chips. Despite Sagar’s valiant effort, Kohli ultimately secured the title after a long heads-up battle. Sagar Raj earned INR 10,36,161 for his impressive performance.

The Final Hand that Crowned Kohli Champion

Sagar Raj, from the big blind, open-shoves for 1.2 million chips. Shaurya Kohli calls.

  • Sagar Raj: J♦ 5♣
  • Shaurya Kohli: 10♣ 8♣

Board: 9♥ A♥ 8♠ 9♠ 3♣

Shaurya Kohli gets two pairs (nines and eights) and wins the pot, busting Sagar Raj to clinch the title.

Congratulations to Shaurya Kohli, the DPT Mini Highroller Champion!

Heads-up For DPT May 2024 Mini Highroller Title!

From an initial field of 217 entries, the tournament has boiled down to an epic heads-up battle. With Shaurya Kohli holding 81.7 million chips and Sagar Raj sitting with 27.4 million chips, the final showdown promises intense action and high stakes. Who will emerge as the champion? Stay with us to see who wins the title!

Aditya Sushant Finishes Third for INR 7,83,783

Level: 27
Blinds: 50k/100k
Ante: 100k

Preflop Action:
Shaurya Kohli, from the small blind, goes all-in. Aditya Sushant, the big blind, calls with his remaining 8.10M stack.


  • Shaurya Kohli: K♥ 9♦
  • Aditya Sushant: A♦ 6♥

Board: 4♠ K♣ K♠ 10♥ 2♣

Shaurya wins the hand with trip kings, eliminating Aditya Sushant in 3rd place for INR 7,83,783.

Karan Sitlani Finishes 4th for INR 5,92,876

Level: 27
Blinds: 50k/100k
Ante: 100k

Preflop Action:
The button opens to 200k. Karan Sitlani, in the small blind, goes all-in. Shaurya Kohli, in the big blind, calls while the button folds.


  • Karan Sitlani: 7♣ 7♠
  • Shaurya Kohli: K♣ K♦

Board: A♣ 5♣ Q♠ 8♣ 4♠

Shaurya wins the hand with his pocket kings, eliminating Karan Sitlani in 4th place for INR 5,92,876.

Shaurya Kohli Busts Two Players in a Single Hand

Level: 26
Blinds: 40k/80k
Ante: 80k

Preflop Action:
Sagar Raj, from UTG, opens to 160k. Arjun Raghani, in the cutoff, calls. Mandar Madaye, on the button, shoves all-in for 235k. Shaurya Kohli, in the small blind, calls. Sagar and Arjun also call.

Flop: 4♥ J♥ 9♥
Shaurya checks. Sagar bets 200k. Arjun shoves all-in for 855k. Shaurya goes all-in for 935k. Sagar tank-folds.


  • Mandar Madaye: A♣ A♦
  • Shaurya Kohli: A♥ 10♥
  • Arjun Raghani: 9♣ 9♦

Turn: 10♣
River: Q♣

Shaurya wins the pot with a nut flush, eliminating both Mandar and Arjun.

  • Mandar Madaye: 6th place (INR 3,39,236)
  • Arjun Raghani: 5th place (INR 4,48,469)

Alok Bhatt Eliminated in 7th Place (INR 2,56,607)

Level: 26
Blinds: 40k-80k
Ante: 80k

Preflop Action:
Alok Bhatt, from middle position, opens to 220k. Karan Sitlani, in the big blind, goes all-in. Alok calls with his 930k stack, putting himself at risk.


  • Karan Sitlani: A♥ Q♣
  • Alok Bhatt: A♠ 9♥

Board: 9♦ J♣ J♥ 4♠ Q♠

Karan wins the hand with higher two pairs, queens and jacks, eliminating Alok Bhatt in 7th place for INR 2,56,607.

Vineet Kumar Bows Out in 8th Place (INR 1,94,106)

Level: 26
Blinds: 40k-80k
Ante: 80k

Preflop Action:
Vineet Kumar, from middle position, goes all-in for 390k. Shaurya Kohli, in the small blind, calls.


  • Shaurya Kohli: 8♠ 8♥
  • Vineet Kumar: A♦ 10♠

Board: 4♠ K♠ 4♦ 6♣ 7♥

Shaurya’s pocket eights hold up, eliminating Vineet Kumar in 8th place for INR 1,94,106.

Aditya Sharma Becomes First Final Table Casualty

Level: 25
Blinds: 30k-60k
Ante: 60k

Preflop Action:
Aditya Sharma goes all-in for his remaining 620k, putting himself at risk against Aditya Sushant.


  • Aditya Sharma: 10♥ 10♦
  • Aditya Sushant: A♣ K♠

Board: A♥ 3♥ 9♦ 9♠ K♣

Sushant wins the pot with two pairs, aces and kings, eliminating Aditya Sharma in 9th place for INR 1,46,827.

DPT Mini Main Event Final Table Set with Sagar Raj in the Lead

Level: 25
Blinds: 30k/60k
Ante: 30k

The final table is set for the DPT Mini Highroller! From an initial 217 entries, only 9 players remain. Leading the pack is Sagar Raj, followed closely by Karan Sitlani (2.605M) and WSOP champion Aditya Sushant (1.145M).

Final Table Chip Counts:

  1. Aditya Sushant: 1.145M
  2. Sagar Raj: 2.765M
  3. Karan Sitlani: 2.605M
  4. Vineet Kumar: 420K
  5. Arjun Raghani: 860K
  6. Alok Bhatt: 550K
  7. Mandar Madaye: 1.13M
  8. Shaurya Kohli: 390K
  9. Aditya Sharma: 790K

Each of the final nine players is guaranteed at least INR 1,46,827, but they all have their eyes on the coveted top prize of INR 13,69,806.

Bhadresh Panchal Bubbles DPT Mini Highroller Final Table

Level: 25
Blinds: 30k/60k
Ante: 30k

Preflop Action:
Sagar Raj, from UTG, raises to 125k. Bhadresh Panchal, in the cutoff, shoves all-in for 755k. Sagar calls all-in.


  • Sagar: 7♥ 7♦
  • Bhadresh: A♣ J♦

Board: 7♣ 9♠ 6♣ 4♣ 4♦

Sagar wins the hand with a full house, sevens full of fours, eliminating Bhadresh Panchal in 10th place for INR 1,19,796.

A Quick Look at Eliminations from the Mini Highroller

  • 27th: Kumar Vatsal (INR 79,748)
  • 26th: Arjun Mahajan (INR 79,748)
  • 25th: Digvijay Lamba (INR 79,748)
  • 24th: Raj Juneja (INR 79,748)
  • 23rd: Shrikanth Pradhan (INR 79,748)
  • 22nd: Snehil Agarwal (INR 79,748)
  • 21st: Arsh Grover (INR 79,748)
  • 20th: Ramji Kishore (INR 79,748)
  • 19th: Akash Sharma (INR 79,748)
  • 18th: Ashwin Vijay (INR 79,748)
  • 17th: Kunal Patni (INR 97,741)
  • 16th: Sachit Malik (INR 97,741)
  • 15th: Karl Benza (INR 97,741)
  • 14th: Aayush Agarwal (INR 97,741)
  • 13th: J. Raju (INR 119,796)
  • 12th: Amit Dhal (INR 119,796)
  • 11th: Pranay Chawla (INR 119,796)

J. Raju Busted in 13th Place (INR 119,796)

Level: 23
Blinds: 20k-40k

Preflop Action:
The UTG player opens to 80k. Vineet Kumar, in the hijack, calls 80k. J. Raju, on the button, goes all-in for 120k. Both the UTG player and Vineet Kumar call.

Flop: 9♥ A♠ 6♥
The UTG player checks, and Vineet bets 100k. The UTG player folds.

Turn: 6♣
River: 7♣


  • Vineet: A♣ K♠
  • Raju: 3♣ 3♥

Vineet wins the pot with two pairs, aces and sixes, eliminating J. Raju in 13th place.

Aditya Sharma Doubles Up

Level: 23
Blinds: 20k-40k
Ante: 40k

Preflop Action:
UTG player J. Raju goes all-in for 780k. Aditya Sharma, in the hijack, calls with a shorter stack of 570k.


  • Aditya: A♠ K♦
  • Raju: 10♦ 10♠

Board: 2♥ 2♦ K♥ 2♠ A♣

Aditya wins the big pot with a full house, kings full of deuces, doubling up through J. Raju.

Aayush Agarwal Exits in 14th Place (INR 97,741)

Level: 22
Blinds: 15k-30k
Ante: 30k

Preflop Action:
Bhadresh Panchal, from middle position, opens to 100k. Aayush Agarwal, in the big blind, goes all-in for 175k. Bhadresh makes a snap call.


  • Bhadresh: A♦ Q♦
  • Agarwal: 2♥ 2♣

Board: 7♣ 5♠ 9♣ 5♥ 7♥

Bhadresh wins the pot with two pairs, aces and sevens, eliminating Aayush Agarwal in 14th place.

Pranay Chawla Knocks Out Sachit Malik (16th for INR 97,741)

Level: 22
Blinds: 15k-30k
Ante: 30k

Preflop Action:
Pranay Chawla, under the gun, opens to 60k. Sachit Malik, from the cutoff, goes all-in for 175k. Pranay calls.


  • Pranav: 9♣ 10♣
  • Sachit: A♦ K♣

Board: Q♥ 8♠ 6♥ 5♠ 10♠

Pranay wins the pot with a pair of tens, eliminating Sachit Malik from the tournament.

Ashwin Vijay Busted (18th for INR 79,748)

Level: 22
Blinds: 15k-30k
Ante: 30k

Preflop Action:
Ashwin Vijay, under the gun, goes all-in for 80k. Aditya Sushant raises to 130k, and the rest of the players fold.


  • Ashwin: J♣ 2♥
  • Aditya: A♥ 10♦

Board: 3♥ 7♣ 9♠ 9♣ 5♠

Aditya wins the pot, eliminating Ashwin Vijay.

Kunal Patni (17th for INR 97,741) Busted by Karan Sitlani

Level: 22
Blinds: 15k-30k
Ante: 30k

Preflop Action:
Big blind Karan Sitlani goes all-in for 1.3 million. Kunal Patni, in the small blind, calls, putting himself at risk.


  • Kunal: K♣ K♦
  • Karan: Q♦ Q♥

Board: Q♣ 9♥ 7♠ 2♠ 6♣

Karan wins the pot with a set of queens, eliminating Kunal Patni.

Akash Sharma’s (19th for INR 79,748) Mini Highroller Journey Ends

Level: 21
Blinds: 15k-35k
Ante: 25k

Preflop Action:
From the small blind, Akash Sharma goes all-in for 705k. Karan Sitlani, from middle position, calls.


  • Karan: A♦ K♥
  • Akash: A♥ 8♦

Board: 9♦ 10♠ 4♥ 6♣ 4♣

Karan wins the pot with ace-high, eliminating Akash Sharma.

Shrikanth Pradhan (23rd for INR 79,748) Eliminated

Level: 21
Blinds: 15k-35k
Ante: 25k

Preflop Action:
Under the gun, Shrikanth Pradhan goes all-in for 330k. Akash Sharma, in the big blind, calls.


  • Pradhan: A♦ Q♥
  • Akash: A♣ K♥

Board: 6♣ 2♣ J♠ 6♥ 8♠

Akash wins the pot with ace-high, eliminating Shrikanth Pradhan.

Vineet Kumar Doubles Up

Level: 21
Blinds: 15k-35k
Ante: 25k

Preflop Action:
Vineet Kumar goes all-in from the small blind for 175k. Shaurya Kohli, in the big blind, calls.


  • Shaurya: A♥ J♣
  • Vineet: A♦ K♦

Board: 3♠ 9♦ Q♦ K♣ 9♥

Vineet wins the pot with two pairs, kings and nines, doubling up through Shaurya Kohli.

Some Notables Remaining in Contention

Level: 22

Blinds: 15k-30k

Ante: 30k

We are down to just 15 players and some notables in contention include the likes of Aayush Agarwal, WSOP bracelet winner Aditya Suashant, Vineet Kumar,  Karan Sitlani, J. Raju, Prayna Chawla, Amit Dhal to name a few. Stay tuned in for the live updates from the ongoing tournament.

Shuffle Up & Deal – Mini Highroller Final Day Begins!

Level: 21

Blinds: 15k-25k

Ante: 25k

With the announcement of “Shuffle Up and Deal,” Day 2 of the mini highroller kicks off. Play resumes at 15k-30k blinds and ante of 15k. Stay tuned for the live updates from this thrilling highroller event!


Payouts Announced for DPT May 2024 Mini Highroller

The payouts for the DPT May 2024 Mini Highroller have been announced, with the top 27 players sharing the prize pool. The winner will take home a hefty INR 13.70 lakhs, while the runner-up will receive INR 10.36 lakhs. Here’s a quick look at the payouts (INR):

  1. 1369806
  2. 1036161
  3. 783783
  4. 592876
  5. 448469
  6. 339236
  7. 256607
  8. 194106
  9. 146827
  10. 119796
  11. 119796
  12. 119796
  13. 119796
  14. 97741
  15. 97741
  16. 97741
  17. 97741
  18. 79748
  19. 79748
  20. 79748
  21. 79748
  22. 79748
  23. 79748
  24. 79748
  25. 79748
  26. 79748
  27. 79748

Welcome to the Final Day of the DPT May 2024 Mini Highroller

The final day of the DPT May 2024 Mini Highroller is here! After 18 intense levels of play, Day 1 concluded with 27 survivors from an initial field of 217 entries. Karan Sitlani emerged as the chip leader, amassing an impressive 1,045,000 chips. He, along with the other Day 1 survivors, will return to the tables today to compete for the coveted title and trophy

The final day’s action kicks off at 1 PM here at the luxurious Deltin Royale in Goa. Stay tuned to PokerProNews for live updates and to see who will emerge victorious in this prestigious event.


Karan Sitlani Leads DPT May 2024 Mini Highroller Day 1 Survivors

After 21 intense levels of play, the DPT May 2024 Mini Highroller has whittled down to 27 survivors from a starting field of 217 entries. Leading the pack is Karan Sitlani with an impressive stack of 1,045,000 chips.

Here are the chip counts for the remaining players:

  • Shaurya Kohli – 715k
  • J Raju – 735k
  • Aditya Sharma – 630k
  • Kunal Patni – 625k
  • Arjun R – 680k
  • Snehil Agarwal – 565k
  • Aayush Agarwal – 520k
  • Sagar Raj – 500k
  • Akash Sharma – 475k
  • Shrikant Pradhan – 445k
  • Bhadresh Panchal – 465k
  • Alok Bhatt – 400k
  • Ashwin Vijay – 395k
  • Amit Dhall – 385k
  • Pranay Chawla – 300k
  • Mandar Madaye – 300k
  • Arsh Grover – 295k
  • Vineet Kumar – 225k
  • Ramji Kishore – 170k
  • Arun Mahajan – 165k
  • Karl Bhesania – 145k
  • Raj S Juneja – 140k
  • Kumar Vatsal – 125k
  • Sachit Malik – 115k
  • Digvijay Lamba – 110k
  • Aditya Sushant – 100k

The final day of the DPT Mini Highroller kicks off tomorrow at 1 PM with 35-minute levels. Stay tuned for more updates as we crown the next champion!

Gopal Bajaj Bubbles DPT Mini Highroller Day 1

Level 21
Blinds: 15k/25k
Ante: 25k

Preflop action saw Karan Sitlani from the button shove with the highest stack. Gopal Bajaj from BB went all-in for 245k.

Gopal: A♣ K♦
Karan: 10♣ J♠

Board: Q♥ 7♥ Q♦ J♣ J♥

Gopal Bajaj bubbled up.

Xavier Anthony Busted

Level 19
Blinds: 10k/15k

Preflop action saw Arsh Grover from SB shove all-in. Xavier from BB called with 135k.

Arsh: 10♥ 8♠
Xavier: A♥ 5♥

Board: J♠ 8♦ K♥ 3♠ 3♦

Xavier busts out.

Mohit Bohra Busted

Level 19
Blinds: 10k/15k
Ante: 15k

Preflop action saw Mohit Bohra from SB shove all-in for 50k. Gopal Bajaj from BB made the call.

Mohit: K♥ Q♦
Gopal: J♠ 10♣

Board: A♣ Q♥ 9♦ J♣ K♠

Mohit Bohra busted.

Himalaya Tarani Busted

Level 19
Blinds: 10k/15k
Ante: 15k

Preflop action saw Arjun Mahajan from HJ go all-in for 100k. Himalaya Tarani from CO also went all-in.

Himalaya: K♦ 7♣
Arjun Mahajan: K♠ Q♠

Board: 3♣ J♥ Q♥ 7♥ 5♥

Himalaya Tarani busted.

Notable Chip Counts

Level 18
Blinds: 6k/12k
Ante: 12k

  • Alok Bhatt – 750k
  • Vineet Kumar – 675k
  • Aayush Agarwal – 665k
  • Snehil Agarwal – 475k
  • Akash Sharma – 465k

Ramji Kishore Secures a Double Up

Level 18
Blinds: 6k/12k
Ante: 12k

Preflop action saw Pratik Jain from HJ raise to 30k. Ramji Kishore from the button went all-in, and Pratik Jain called.

Ramji Kishore: K♣ Q♠
Pratik Jain: A♠ Q♦

Board: K♦ 6♠ 4♣ J♥ 8♥

Ramji Kishore doubles up.

Vikash Shah Busts Viraj Uberoi

Level 17
Blinds: 5k/10k

Preflop action saw Viraj Uberoi from the button shove all-in for 44k. Vikash Shah from SB called.

Vikash Shah: A♠ 7♥
Viraj Uberoi: A♣ 2♥

Board: A♥ 3♦ 8♦ K♣ 9♦

Vikash Shah busts Viraj Uberoi.

Gautam Kaul Busted

Level 17
Blinds: 5k/10k

Preflop action saw Gautam Kaul from SB shove all-in for 80k. Vineet Kumar from HJ called.

Gautam: A♦ 2♣
Vineet: A♥ K♣

Board: 4♣ 6♥ 7♦ 10♣ 9♥

Gautam Kaul busts out.

Anshul Bagai Busted

Level 16
Blinds: 4k/8k
Ante: 8k

Preflop action saw Anshul Bagai from UTG shove all-in for 23k. Ramji from the button called.

Anshul: 10♥ 7♥
Ramji: Q♠ K♦

Board: 8♦ J♠ Q♠ 6♦ 6♠

Anshul Bagai busted out.

Ranjeet Negi Busted

Level 16
Blinds: 4k/8k
Ante: 8k

Preflop action saw Ranjeet Negi from BB shove all-in for 67k. Akash Sharma called.

Akash Sharma: 8♣ A♣
Ranjeet Negi: 9♥ 9♦

Board: 8♦ 7♣ 3♣ 2♣ Q♠

Akash Sharma busts out Ranjeet Negi.

Naresh V Busted

Level 14
Blinds: 3k/5k
Ante: 5k

Preflop action saw Naresh V from HJ go all-in for 54.5k. Button Gopal Bajaj called.

Naresh: 9♠ 9♣
Gopal: A♣ 10♥
Board: Q♥ 10♠ 5♣ Q♣ 6♣

Gopal Bajaj wins the pot with two pairs (queens and tens), busting Naresh V.

Abhishek Chhajer Doubles Up

Level 14
Blinds: 3k/5k
Ante: 5k

Preflop action saw Utkarsh Srivastav from SB go all-in with a higher stack. BB Abhishek Chhajer called with 31k.

Abhishek: 7♣ K♥
Utkarsh: 8♠ 5♥
Board: 10♥ Q♦ 3♠ 2♣ 4♠

Abhishek Chhajer doubles up.

Sandeep Sharma Busted

Level 14
Blinds: 3k/5k
Ante: 5k

Preflop action saw UTG Sandeep Sharma open to 10k. SB Karan Sitlani went all-in with a higher stack. BB folded, and UTG Sandeep called with a short stack of 46k.

Board: 6♥ 2♥ 9♠ 8♠ Q♠
UTG: Sandeep Sharma – A♣ J♠
SB: Karan Sitlani – J♦ J♣

Karan Sitlani wins the pot with a pair of jacks, busting Sandeep Sharma.

Abhishek Chhajer Doubles Up

Level 14
Blinds: 3k/5k
Ante: 5k

Preflop action saw Utkarsh Srivastav from SB go all-in with a higher stack. BB Abhishek Chhajer called with 31k.

Abhishek: 7♣ K♥
Utkarsh: 8♠ 5♥
Board: 10♥ Q♦ 3♠ 2♣ 4♠

Mohit Bohra Doubles Up

Level 14
Blinds: 3k/5k
Ante: 5k

Preflop action saw Naresh V from CO open to 10k. Button Mohit Bohra went all-in for 32.5k. Naresh called.

Mohit: A♣ K♥
Naresh: A♦ 9♣
Board: 7♠ K♠ Q♠ J♦ 3♥

Mohit Bohra doubles up.

Sandeep Sharma Busted

Level 14
Blinds: 3k/5k
Ante: 5k

Preflop action saw UTG Sandeep Sharma open to 10k. SB Karan Sitlani went all-in with a higher stack. BB folded, and UTG Sandeep called with a short stack of 46k.

Board: 6♥ 2♥ 9♠ 8♠ Q♠
UTG: Sandeep Sharma – A♣ J♠
SB: Karan Sitlani – J♦ J♣

Karan Sitlani wins the pot with a pair of jacks, busting Sandeep Sharma.

Avdit Rajguru Busted

Level 13
Blinds: 3k/4k
Ante: 4k

Preflop action saw Avdit Rajguru from CO go all-in for 53.5k. Button and SB folded. BB Amit Dhall called.

CO: Avdit Rajguru – A♣ 10♠
BB: Amit Dhall – 9♥ 9♠
Board: 5♣ 3♣ 4♣ 7♦ K♦

Amit Dhall wins the pot, busting Avdit Rajguru.

Aditya Sharma Doubles Up

Mini High Roller Day 1
Level 11
Blinds: 1.5k/2.5k
Ante: 2.5k

Preflop action saw Manjit Bakshi from HJ open to 6.5k. CO, Button, and SB folded. BB Aditya Sharma went all-in for 22k. HJ Manjit called.

HJ: Manjit Bakshi – K♥ Q♥
BB: Aditya Sharma – A♣ 6♦
Board: Q♣ 8♣ 7♣ 4♥ A♠

Gauvtam Kaul Wins Big Pot

Level 13
Blinds: 2k/4k
Ante: 4k

Preflop action saw Malik from CO go all-in for 28k. SB Jaydip Selva R and HJ Gauvtam Kaul called with higher stacks.

Board: A♠ 4♥ 4♦ Q♦ 9♥
CO: Malik – A♣ 10♦
SB: Jaydip – 10♠ 10♣
HJ: Gauvtam – Q♠ Q♣

Gauvtam Kaul wins the big pot with a full house, busting two players.


Shuffle Up & Deal – DPT Mini Highroller Begins

Level: 1

Blinds: 100-100

Ante: 100

Welcome to DPT May 2024 Mini Highroller Day 1!

With the announcement of shuffle up and deal, the touranment kicks off at 100-100 blinds!

Ladies and gentlemen, poker aficionados, and high-stakes enthusiasts, welcome back to the DPT May 2024 series at the illustrious Deltin Royale casino! After the phenomenal turnouts and fierce competition in the first six events, it is now time for Event 7: the Mini Highroller!

Running from May 24th to May 25th, the Mini Highroller promises high-stakes action and intense gameplay. Day 1 kicks off at 5 PM today, featuring 25-minute levels and a generous starting stack of 50k. Day 2 will commence at 1 PM tomorrow with 35-minute levels, offering deeper strategic play.

With a buy-in of INR 35k, this event is set to attract some of the most skilled players, all vying for a significant prize pool and the prestige of a DPT title. Late registration remains open until the start of level 11, ensuring that everyone has a chance to join the action.

Following the impressive participation in the Micro Main Event, Mystery Bounty, Highroller, Turbo Mix Event, and the Mini Main Event, as well as the ongoing Main Event, we anticipate another thrilling competition filled with strategic plays and dramatic showdowns.

Stay tuned for all the live updates, major hands, and key moments as we continue the DPT May 2024 series with the Mini Highroller! Let the high-stakes battle begin